

對 Street Tree Selection Guide 的疑問

發展局轄下的綠化、園境及樹木管理組近日公布了《街道選樹指南》, 由於中文版資料正在準備中, 有待二零一九年第一季公布. 目前只有英文版供參考.

先不說目前對不同樹木品種 "Senscence(衰老)" 的研究/定義從何而來. 在 Pest and Disease Control一章下註腳42是引述AFCD, ASD及CEDD不同刊物/公告.

從網上搜尋的結果令人意外.《除害劑條例》是監管除害劑. AFCD的"Pesticide Registration and Control", 沒有樹木相關章節.
ASD General Specification Section 25相應內容(Section 25.25.1)沒有提及處理衰老樹木.
而CEDD找不到Section 3.9(僅找到3.09及3.90 詳列在文末)亦沒有衰老樹木senscence.

未知"Refer"那裏, 而這段只是將負面字眼(senescent, vulnerable, decreased resistance) 放在一起. 並未就如何照顧給與指引, 與 Mature, Sapling to semi-matrure 及 Propagation to Seedling相應各段有明顯不同.

ASD General Specification for Building 2017 Edition (effective from 1 October 2017)
Section 25.25.1 (a) - (e)

CEDD General Specification for Civil Engineering Works Volume 1, 2006 Edition Updated at 21 December 2017
Section 3.09
Landscape hardworks are the tree grills, tree guards and tree rings and any other items stated as such in the Contract.

Section 3.90
  1. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautionary measures to protect the plants from pest, fungal and disease attack and all necessary control measures to eradicate pests, fungi and disease from the infected and/or infested plants. The Contractor shall regularly check for any pest, fungal and disease attack, particularly during known periods of activity.
  2. The Contractor shall report to the Engineer any such occurrence and shall carry out pest, fungal and disease control measures by use of pesticide, insecticide or fungicide and any other necessary chemical treatment and associated arboriculture works to the infected and / or infested areas, as approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall comply with the following requirements in applying the pest, fungal and disease control measures:
(a) Environmentally friendly measures shall be adopted,
(d) All pesticides, insecticides, fungicides and chemicals to be used shall be proprietary products registered in Hong Kong,
(c) Safety precautions as the manufacturer’s instruction shall be strictly followed in using pesticides, insecticides, fungicides and chemicals so as to avoid causing danger or harm to the public and the environment, and
(d) Plant parts pruned from diseased plants shall not be stockpiled anywhere on the Site and shall be disposed of from the Site.

